Archives * Zodiacal 
          Potpourri by Miss Dee 
  The Yod, Your Special 
                      Life Purpose

   * Mercury went Retrograde on April 18, 2010.  It goes Direct on May 11, 2010.  If you are unfamiliar with the Mercury Retrograde cycle, these two two articles, Beggs n' Econ and Bumbled Articulation, will explain what Mercury Retrograde creates in a person's life and what needs to be learned.    

     Do you have an inner drive that pushes you to accomplish something special or a feeling that you are here for some special reason?  Then you probably have the yod aspect in your natal chart and you may have more than one yod aspect in your chart.

     The yod aspect is also known as, "the Finger of God," "the Finger of Fate" or a "Destiny Mission."  I prefer to call it, "a Special Life Purpose."

     And, "as time goes by and our own personal awareness grows, we will feel a driving inner force, even an urgency to get about our special business.  This special business is the yod aspect: an astrological aspect, which creates specific energy.  The yod aspect is created by two planets in sextile which both inconjunct at the same point. The point, the apex or the tip of the yod is the purpose."  Please see the Books page.

          "Imagine a life void of fulfilling personal accomplishments, empty of rewarding personal success. Imagine, if you will, a long, long life absent the achievement of your heart's greatest desires.

          God does not light the fire of desire or give a dream that cannot be realized. And while your heart's desires, your special life purpose, may not be fascinating or life saving or important to others, it is your special life purpose."  Excerpt from,  "Thoughts on Life Purposes," of the Warm Fuzzies series, by Miss Dee.

     Obviously, I can't go through every yod aspect here.  That would be too time, not to mention space consuming.  But you may have some feelings about your "Finger of God" aspect and perhaps what sign might be involved.  I've touched lightly on them below.

     The tip or apex of your yod may include a planet in Aries if you feel or think you need to create/design something no one else has created/designed, pioneer or go somewhere no one else has gone or be the best athlete or athletic coach, firefighter, military officer or surgeon you can possibly be.

     The tip or apex of your yod may include a planet in Taurus if you feel or think your life needs to be completely organized, you need to do everything efficiently and thoroughly, you need to have every part of your life running like a well-oiled machine, you need to finish everything you start or be the best bookkeeper/accountant, financial counselor, real estate broker or singer you can possibly be.      

     The tip or apex of your yod may include a planet in Gemini if you feel or think you want to share through communication or teaching some or many things no one else has, tell the best stories anyone has ever heard, know the meaning of every word you use and how to use those words correctly or use your mind to understand or create something like no one else has.    

     The tip or apex of your yod may include a planet in Cancer  if you feel or think you need to nurture many people, remain loyal to ideas and/or traditions, keep your house clean and spotless or be the best librarian, musician or nurse/physician you can possibly be.    

     The tip or apex of your yod may include a planet in Leo if you feel or think you need to create/design something no one else has created/designed, lead the group/community like no one else has or be the best actor, athlete, athletic coach, counselor or designer you can possibly be.    

     The tip or apex of your yod may include a planet in Virgo if you feel or think you need to be of service like no one else has been, be a super-specialist in some area in the field of health or use your mind to understand or create something like no one else has, i.e. Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking.    

     The tip or apex of your yod may include a planet in Libra if you feel or think you want or need to be some type of diplomat or liaison, be the best executive secretary you can possibly be or create/sing music that sounds as if it were made in heaven.   

     The tip or apex of your yod may include a planet in Scorpio if you feel or think you need to collect, care for then distribute rare books, coins or other precious items, be an investigative coroner or reporter to help the legal system prevail, study then practice metaphysics or be the best magician you can possibly be.    

     The tip or apex of your yod may include a planet in Sagittarius if you feel or think you need to be the best athlete or athletic coach you can be, be one of the fairest judges in the court system, want to share/teach the knowledge and wisdom you have or live in, study then share your findings about nature with people as no one else has shared nature.    

     The tip or apex of your yod may include a planet in Capricorn if you feel or think your life needs to be completely organized, you need to do everything efficiently and thoroughly, you need to have every part of your life running like a well-oiled machine, you need to finish everything you start, you need to be the best financial manager you can possibly be or you need to be the best and the most helpful chiropractor there has ever been. 

     The tip or apex of your yod may include a planet in Aquarius if you feel or think you need to do something along the humanitarian line that no one else has done, write a computer program or invent something useful that no one else has written or invented or you want or need to be the best research scientist you can possibly be.  

     The tip or apex of your yod may include a planet in Pisces if you feel or think you need to be the best actor, artist or writer you can possibly be, use your gift of sensitivity to help other people, demonstrate the beauty and rewards of having faith or teach someone or the world how to unconditionally love another person.


           Compatible books with this month's article are The Best of Miss Dee and Health, Astrology, and Spirituality, and the booklets "Thoughts on Life Purposes" and "Thoughts on Health," of the Warm Fuzzies series, all by Miss Dee.


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