Miss Dee's Metaphysicians Gallery

(720) 304-5947  Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. MST


Miss Dee's        

Lit'l. Ditties

            Take a peek at what's in store for you this month on the Forecast page.

     Interested in astrology and what it can help you with? Please visit our Zodiacal Potpourri page.

         Feel as if you need a spiritual pick-me-up? Visit our Soul Treasures page.    


Got the Psychic Gift & Want to Talk About It?  

     Ever wonder what it would be like to sit across from someone or be on the phone with someone who is as psychic/sensitive/intuitive as you are and openly talk to them about your gift? Please visit our Psychic Kids (& adults, too!) page.


Got the Psychic/Intuitive Gift & Don't Know What To Do With It?

       Do you have the gift of being psychic/sensitive/intuitive? Listen to your intuition. It has been talking to and guiding you into the perfect direction for the longest time! Honor your instincts, follow your intuition, and bless your, "Hot-line..." You might be interested in reading more about, "Me, Myself & Intuition...". (Scroll down.)  And then please visit our Psychic Kids (& adults, too!) page.  

Love is in the Air

    Are you looking for love? Do you want to share your heart and life? Do you know whom you are compatible with? Please visit our Spiritual & Astrological Readings page.

Knowing Yourself

     Have you had your natal or birth chart read? Do you know it can show you what your special life purpose is, confirm you are psychic, explain why you are with the partner you are involved with, and/or detail what baggage you are carrying from a previous life? If you're interested in a natal or birth chart reading or are interested in reading more about astrology readings, please visit our Spiritual & Astrological Readings  page.

Life Purpose

     If you have a deep, burning inner desire to do something extraordinarily special or unique this lifetime, you may have a Special Life Purpose, a.k.a. a Yod aspect or a Destiny Mission (in astrology lingo), and your Special Life Purpose needs to be honored! It needs to be fulfilled because it is your heart's greatest desire. Additional information concerning discovering or receiving clarity about your special life purpose may be found on our Spiritual & Astrological Readings page.

The Heart's Desire: Fulfilling Your Life's Purpose

     "Imagine a life void of fulfilling personal accomplishments, empty of rewarding personal success. Imagine, if you will, a long, long life absent the achievement of your heart's greatest desires."   Miss Dee.  Additional information to discover your special life purpose is on our Spiritual & Astrological Readings page.

     Have you read Miss Dee's book? Its title is, "Me, Myself & Intuition: Managing Your Psychic Gift."

     Being psychic is a gift!  But to many children as well as adults, it feels like a curse because of the frightening images or pictures received and/or the distractions caused by those light and feathery and/or dark and mysterious-looking people seen out of the corner of their eye and/or being    bombarded by another person's negative emotions. If you suspect you and/or your child or someone you know has the psychic gift and are having trouble managing it, Miss Dee's book, Me, Myself & Intuition: Managing Your Psychic Gift, is the book to read! Or, if you are interested in reading more about the subject of having the psychic gift, please visit the Psychic Kids (& adults, too!) page.

Newsletter News

     Hey friend, if you'd like to receive Miss Dee's monthly newsletter, please send your e-mail address and your name to  missdee001@centurylink.net  Please put the word Newsletter in the subject bar.