Miss Dee's Metaphysicians Gallery

(720) 304-5947  Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. MST


Zodiacal Potpourri

  by Miss Dee


       What does this month hold in store for you? We invite you to visit the Forecast page to find out!

A Complementary Calling  

     As the school year approaches, many people make the decision to go back to school in order to "get ahead" in their career or to make a vocation change.

     Listed here are agreeable or compatible careers for each sun sign. While it is certainly not a complete list, it will give you some fresh ideas and you know how one thought leads to another.

Aries: Arians succeed in the occupations of athletics, fire fighting, the military, and as surgeons because of their aggressive nature.

Taurus: Taureans succeed in the occupations of accounting, financial counselor/management, ranchers, and real estate brokers because of their mastery over money.

Gemini: Geminians succeed in the occupations of advertising, in communications, in sales, and as teachers because of their gift of clear communication.

Cancer: Cancerians succeed in the occupations of housekeepers, librarians, musicians, and physicians because of their nurturing characteristics.

Leo: Leonines succeed in the occupations of acting, counseling, designing, and athletics because of their creativity and enthusiasm.

Virgo: Virgoans succeed in the occupations of civil/social service, the field of health, sales, and as drivers because of their honorable nature.

Libra: Librans succeed in the occupations of diplomacy, executive secretary, liaisons, and as musicians because of their gracious, sociable attributes.

Scorpio: Scorpios succeed in the occupations of rare book/item collectors, coroners, investigators, and miners because of their intense desire to know.

Sagittarius: Sagittarians succeed in the occupations of athletics, forest/park caretaker, judge, professor, and in the area of religion because of their love for fairness and desire to share.

Capricorn: Capricornians succeed in the occupations of chiropractic, clock maker, financial management, and as taxidermists because of their patient nature.

Aquarius: Aquarians succeed in the occupations of computer programming, electronics, invention, and as research scientists because of their humanitarian nature.

Pisces: Pisceans succeed in the occupations of acting, art, the area of religion, and writing because of their wonderful imagination and sensitivity.


     Next month, the article, Happy Hallow's Eve


      Additional information about each of the sun signs, their health issues, the moon's influence, the Mercury Retrograde cycle, the gifts each sun sign prefers to receive, complementary sun sign costumes, compatible sun signs, and the beneficial foods, herbs and vitamins for each sun sign may be found in the books, The Best of Miss Dee, and Health, Astrology and Spirituality, both by Miss Dee. Please see the Books page.  

   Are you nurturing your Special Life Purpose? Spiritual & Astrological Readings.

Are you looking for your "special someone?" Spiritual & Astrological Readings.