Miss Dee's Metaphysicians Gallery

(720) 304-5947  Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. MST


Zodiacal Potpourri

  by Miss Dee


       What does this month hold in store for you? We invite you to visit the Forecast page to find out!


     With the continuing long days of summer, comes more time for Exerfun!

Aries enjoy taking a hike, a vigorous game of racquetball, tennis or volleyball, a cool evening stroll or take part in an early morning water aerobic class. Add to your evening meal a tall glass of cold iced tea.

Taurus learn the art of belly dancing, enjoy bicycling, skating, softball or a refreshing walk, work in your garden during the early morning hours, and then treat yourself to a fresh salad accompanied by a large mug of cold orange juice.

Gemini enjoy a vigorous game of racquetball or tennis, a refreshing evening swim or a bicycle ride, and sip on a tall glass of cold apple juice.

Cancer join a baseball or softball team or a bowling league, go fishing, enjoy a class in water aerobics or visit the aquarium. Enjoy a picnic in the park and sip on a frosty mug of cold lemonade.

Leo take an aerobics class, enjoy a game of evening croquet or tennis, take an early morning walk through the mall, and sip on a tall glass of cold orange juice.

Virgo enjoy a bicycle ride, caving, hiking, water dancing, a cool evening walk or put your comfy lounge chair under a shady tree and catch up on your reading as you sip on a mug of cold peach nectar.

Libra enjoy an evening game of croquet, a refreshing morning walk or a water dancing class, treat yourself to a fresh salad from the salad bar in your favorite restaurant, set up the outdoor furniture and sip on a tall glass of cold iced tea.

Scorpio learn the art of horseback riding, take up skating, swimming or water skiing, window shop at the mall, participate in an early morning water aerobics class, and sip on a mug of cold lemonade.

Sagittarius join an aerobics class or a baseball team, play a round of golf, take an easy hike in the mountains, and sip on a tall glass of cold limeade.

Capricorn join a bowling league, play a game of horseshoes or softball, enjoy a refreshing evening walk, set up your favorite lounge chair under a shady tree and catch up on your reading as you sip on a tall glass of cold lemonade.

Aquarius take up caving, join a basketball or softball team, study the stars on an evening walk, go to a drive-in movie, and sip on a mug of cold apple juice.

Pisces learn ballroom dancing, enjoy a refreshing early morning walk, take a water aerobics class or join a water dancing group, set up your comfy lounge chair under a shady tree and catch up on your reading, and have a glass of cold pink lemonade.


     Next month, the article, Tongue-tied Talk


      Additional information about each of the sun signs, their health issues, the moon's influence, the Mercury Retrograde cycle, the gifts each sun sign prefers to receive, complementary sun sign costumes, compatible sun signs, and the beneficial foods, herbs and vitamins for each sun sign may be found in the books, The Best of Miss Dee, and Health, Astrology and Spirituality, both by Miss Dee. Please see the Books page.  

   Are you nurturing your Special Life Purpose? Spiritual & Astrological Readings.

Are you looking for your "special someone?" Spiritual & Astrological Readings.